HubSpot Blueprint

Using HubSpot to Grow Your Business

A series of strategy sessions to understand, decide and plan on the best way to Integrate HubSpot into your company to grow your business.

Hubspot Strategy Review


Over the course of 3 session we work with you to understand your business goals and processes in order to best plan the optimal implementation of HubSpot throughout your company.

The sessions are conduct via zoom, typically 90 minutes to 2 hours in duration.


Clarity around business goals and priorities and an understanding of how and where HubSpot will help.

A clear plan on priorities for implementing HubSpot within your organisation, and the mix of strategy, implementation and training required in order to facilitate company change to accomodate the HubSpot platform.

What's Included?

The HubSpot Blueprint includes 3 zoom sessions with a HubSpot Certified senior strategist, experienced in your industry and business.

Plus, unlimited email followup and access to our entire HubSpot certified team for answering high level questions around HubSpot strategy.

What's NOT Included?

The HubSpot Blueprint does not include implementation or detailed review of your current portal. Review and implementation are available as separate services (eg see HubSpot HealthCheck and HubSpot Ignition)

What are the Benefits?

The benefits of a HubSpot Blueprint are primarily around setting the right course for your company's implementation of HubSpot.

It ensures you avoid starting down a path of HubSpot setup without the goals in mind, and potentially setting up processes that are short term and ultimately inefficient.

How much does the HubSpot Blueprint cost?

Please view our Pricing page for details on the costs for the HubSpot Blueprint.

Cost depends on your company complexity and which departments are included in the change to HubSpot. 


Related Services



HubSpot Ignition

A fully tailored HubSpot onboarding process to setup, implement and optimise your new HubSpot hub



HubSpot HealthCheck

A complete review of your HubSpot portal to highlight issues, recommend fixes and streamline your processes



HubSpot Campaign

A full campaign including landing pages, form, lists, workflows, nurture emails and reports implemented in HubSpot

Start, Review, Grow

Start, Review, Grow

HubSpot On-Demand

Access to HubSpot specialist guidance, implementation, training and support via a simple ad-hoc model

Start, Review, Grow

Start, Review, Grow

HubSpot Coaching

Exclusive weekly, one-to-one coaching, specifically customised for key items across your HubSpot portal

Watch an overview of the XEN Growth Model


Contact Us

Sydney Office

XEN Systems
Suite 404 
56 Hercules Street
Chatswood NSW 2067 Australia

02 8006 4428
+61 2 8006 4428 (International)
Another happy client Bulletproof

Always has your best interest at heart

XEN is a true extension of our marketing team and we have a genuine partnership dedicated to the success of the marketing strategy.

They keep us at the forefront of digital marketing, even when we are time poor and limited in resources - finding creative and effective ways to keep us relevant in a very competitive and noisy landscape.

Craig and the team never hesitate to share insight, train and enable; and while some would be concerned with making themselves redundant, XEN believe in empowering us to be confident in the digital space to grow, learn and succeed.

I would recommend XEN to any organisation looking for a true digital marketing partner, who always has your best interest at heart.

Lee-Sia Kay

Head of Marketing, ASX Listed Technology Company