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23 min read

Episode 185: HubSpot Popup Form targeting gets awesomer

Episode 185: HubSpot Popup Form targeting gets awesomer


Welcome to HubShots - APAC's number 1 HubSpot focussed podcast - where we discuss HubSpot tips & tricks, new features, and strategies for growing your marketing results.

This episode we chat about the new targeting features in popup forms, plus we remember Lil BUB.

Listen to the episode here:

HubShots, the podcast for marketing managers and sales professionals who use HubSpot, hosted by Ian Jacob from Search & Be Found and Craig Bailey from XEN Systems.

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Recorded: Tuesday 05 December 2019 | Published: Friday 10 January 2020

Shot 1: Growth Thought of the Week

Remembering Lil BUB - the world’s most magical cat

Sadly Lil BUB passed away this week

lilbub 1

There’s a farewell video here:

We first mentioned Lil BUB back in episode 51 in 2016:

We’ll miss you Lil BUB - thank you for all the good you did in the world, including raising more than $700K for animals in need.

Even the New York Times gave her an obit:

It’s been a sad year:

Boo, the world’s cutest dog died in January, aged 12

Grumpy Cat died in May, aged 7

Lil Bub dies in December, aged 8

Shot 2: HubSpot Marketing Feature of the Week

HubSpot December updates (but I think they meant November):

From which we learned about the following most awesome of updates:

Behavioural targeting on Popup Forms

New option in Popup Form targeting:

hubspot popup forms targeting 1

Very powerful - and means you can improve the visitor experience by only showing relevant popups.

hubspot popup forms targeting

Some examples:

  • Build a ‘funnel’ of popups on pages
  • Show TOFU popup to visitors, and then hide when they’ve filled it out
  • Show MOFU popup to people have filled out the TOFU popup, etc
  • Target based on SEO topics (links to the SEO tool)
  • Target based on number of sessions eg repeat visitors might see a special offer, or stop displaying forms to people who are regular visitors

For all the options you need Marketing Pro or Enterprise. But Starter still includes the Segmented Lists option.

Shot 3: HubSpot Sales Feature of the Week

Comments on notes, calls and meetings in CRM

hubspot comments


Priority on Tasks

hubspot task priorities

Shot 4: HubSpot Extra of the Week

Using Lists to Fix Workflow issues

Looking ahead to 2020

Looking forward to better attribution reporting, that incorporates offline and non-online activities

Shot 5: HubSpot Gotcha of the Week

A re-gotcha reminder about the Ads Add-on.

Ticking those boxes TURNS OFF campaigns

They DO NOT change the reporting summary at the top

hubspot ads addoon gotcha

Shot 6: Marketing Tip of the Week

An interesting title - The Best Time to Send an Email (Research-Backed)!

In general, the highest click-to-open rates are 10 AM, at 21%, 1 PM, at 22.5%, and have seen a spike at near 6 PM. The data reflects when most audiences begin or conclude their day and have the most time to check their emails.

Our question, these numbers are from GetResponse, an email marketing tool that combed its data to compile a report of email marketing benchmarks. They analyzed 4 billion emails from 1,000 active senders.  Why did HubSpot not use the data from their own email marketing system?

Shot 7: Insight of the Week

Is advertising the new dot com bubble

An interesting article on the need to test whether advertising is actually working for you.

General action item: Test and Measure, but test the right things:

Shot 8: HubSpot Throwback of the Week

Here’s what HubSpot was announcing 12 months ago:

Shot 9: Resource of the Week

Domino Chain Reaction

Shot 10: Quote of the Week

“We should be building great things that don’t exist.” - Larry Page

Shot 11: Bonus Links of the Week

Using Goals in Custom Reports


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Episode 185: HubSpot Popup Form targeting gets awesomer

Full Transcript of the Episode

- Hi everyone, welcome to "HubShots" episode 185. In this episode we chat about the new targeting features in popup forms that we love. Plus we rib a little bub. You're listening to Asia-Pacific's number one HubSpot focused podcast, where we discuss HubSpot tips, tricks and features, and strategies for growing your sales and marketing results. My name is Ian Jacob from Search & Be Found, and with me is Craig Bailey from XEN Systems. How are you, Craig?

- Well, I'm good and I'm sad.

- I know.

- So I'm really happy about what we're gonna talk about in HubSpot popup forms in a minute, but I'm also really sad, and this is nothing to do with marketing or HubSpot. As you know, I basically am a sucker for the cute little cats and puppies on Instagram.

- You are.

- And so we've talked about Lil BUB, who's this, well, was this such a cute little cat. We actually chatted about it on the show, way back, a couple years ago.

- We have, you introduced me to Lil BUB.

- To Lil BUB and I've been following her on Instagram. Anyway, she passed away on Sunday morning, and I'm really sad about this, and that's kinda weird. I'm a grown man, and I'm sad about some little cute cat on the other side of the world that I've never met but have kind of got to know through Instagram. So it's been a sad week--

- And it's been a sad year, you know, because Boo, the world's,

- You've lost a few.

- Well, the world's cutest dog, it was just an adorable Pomeranian.

- Yes.

- He passed away in January, and Grumpy Cat of course passed away in May. And Now Lil BUB has passed away in December. It's been a tough year, so. Lots to be thankful for though, because Lil BUB contributed, and like the impact that she had on the world. She raised more than $700,000 for animals in special needs and things like that. It's just been amazing.

- Which you think is pretty phenomenal for Lil BUB. But I'm just amazed, like, there not be many people on this planet that would raise that much money to help others so, yeah look, that figure surprised me. So, you know what this highlights to me, Craig, is the impact you can have no matter how big or small. Everybody has the ability to have an impact. And we've got the tools in front of us, right? It's how we choose to use it, and Lil BUB and her owner used the tools that they had. Even what sometimes I would think would seem like a very dire situation. When you look at her and you think, "My goodness, how could this happen, or how could this be?" She used what she had and her owner, smart guy, used what he had to spread the message and make a difference to other animals. So, you know, we have a lot to learn from that. So, Lil BUB, rest in peace, I say. All right Craig, on to happier things, talk to us about marketing feature of the week.

- The only thing that I don't like is when they changed the name laid forms to pop-up forms, which of course is a much better name, we all know that now, but laid forms, we always use to say, "What's the secret, "what's the best marketing interest, "get laid forms going, just get pop-up forms."

- Well, it still is today

- It still is today. It's pop-up forms, all the way. And the reason I didn't like the name changed to pop-up forms is because I had pop-ups so I never used the pop-up in pop-up forms, I always used the slide ins.

- Yes, great.

- And I never used exit intent and I know study after study says that they convert so well and things like that but I just hate them myself so I don't wanna inflict them on others but slide ins I quite like. And so, whenever I talk about pop-up forms I'm only thinking of slide ins, but what we're gonna chat about applies to all forms of the pop-up forms. But this is extra targeting, and this is so good.

- You know what blew me away? The specificity of the targeting.

- Well, let's explain what it is. So, previously you could target it's gonna appear on this page but not this page. You could do it on URL's, and I think Perimeters and a few other things but now, you can do it on, well, lists, segmented lists. So, I'll give you the most obvious example. You show up form for an able or sign up offer, content offer. If they fill out the form, stop showing them the pop-up. Right, 'cause there's nothing more inefficient than going back and having the same offer shown to you over and over again when you filled it out. And that's a bad user experience, so this extra set of targeting, which you're gonna go through some of the more complex ones that can be implemented but even the simplest one, segmented lists actually gives you a lot of power. And in fact, you can start creating funnels, really. You can have a top of the funnel offer--

- Exactly.

- And if they fill out that form, oh don't show that pop-up and in fact, if they have filled it out, show this next pop-up, which is the middle of the funnel. Ah, you know the funnels dead, by the way.

- It is, Craig.

- So, whatever the funnels-- anyway you can just have funnels of pop-up offers and it's gonna be such a better user experience and what are some of the other targeting options you're looking at?

- Okay, so look, let's say in starter and possibly free you will get two options, which is to do it by a segmented list, or visitor, if the visitor is a contact or is unknown, okay. Now, when you go beyond that. So, you got to have marketing professional enterprise, here are the things that you can segment, or you can behave, you can segment by diverse type. Browse a language, country, so they click a particular CTA, day since they last visited, have they viewed a particular form, what their session count is, pages visited, referral URL, SEO topic, and SEO topic history. Like, wow, anyway so those are all the options. But, let's talk about what you might want to do.

- You know, one of the key things could be the number of sessions they've had, so how many times have they come back? So you might actually figure out that you might figure out based on the number of times they come back if a particular offer hasn't worked, you could actually now give them another offer based on their number of visits.

- Didn't I have form views as well?

- Yes, correct.

- If you show a form a certain number of times and they still haven't converted, turn that one off.

- You know the one I was thinking on session, number session counts, I would reward my loyal visitors. I'd almost like say, "If you visit my site, "more than a 100 times, I will not show you any pop-ups, "I will not show you any forms, "I will respect that you are a loyal reader "and I'll not try to, you know, put you in the form." Things like that I think would be good. But also, equally, you could say well, "If you visit more than a 100 times you're very loyal, "I'm gonna give you a special offer that only you get." For my loyal viewers and things like that.

- Yeah, just phenomenal.

- There's so much flexibility here. I am real excited about this. I think this is, not only is it gonna increase conversion rates for people that use it well. But it's actually just gonna make it a better user experience. Because, I'll give you the most common one whenever I go to the HubSpot blog, exit intent, sign up for the blog. I mean, I've signed up for it, why do you keep showing me, so hopefully--

- Stop that from happening.

- Yeah, hopefully they have implemented on their own blog, I'm sure they will. But, I was thinking you know what the only thing that's missing really in HubSpot in terms of pop-ups, we've chatted about this before. I would like an option to do a pop-up form that's not a form, it's almost like a pop-up CTA. I'd like to slide CTAs in the don't necessarily have a form but they could just be a banner that highlights something with maybe a link. Click through to view something. Something interesting because I just love the slide in and the other thing I'd like is the slide in an option to hide it again automatically after 30 seconds or a certain time, it's kind of like, yep show it. They haven't responded--

- Haven't done anything.

- Just slide it out of the way, yeah. So, it's getting very, very--

- Sophisticated

- sophisticated. So, I'm really excited about it, this is the feature of the week. And I've already shared this, I shared with our team straight on just like, team, get on to this. 'Cause this idea of just removing that aggravation for people we're rolling this out to all our clients this'll be just almost in the checklist for every site. This'll just be it.

- I think you get some major quick wins out of this, Craig. If you actually have a strategy on how to use the forms effectively based on what people are doing and where they're at.

- Thank you HubSpot.

- All right, Craig under has put sales pitch of the week. Now you can put comments on notes, calls, and meetings in CRM. So, I think this is really cool it's the little things that add up to big things over time and it's almost like we should have an episode called, 'Increments' with incremental changes. This is another one, so we are finding in our team that we are tending to put more stuff in HubSpot and between the team just tagging each other to note it especially around deals but also, did I mention to you how Carly is using deals. Talk to me about this normally, you know, ideal stage, what do you call it, pipe line stages.

- Yes.

- They finish it either closed won or closed lost.

- Yes, yep.

- She's added some stages at the end after they've won there's like a stage that is now have access to the site and invoice has been page it's around like account management. So she has some extra steps now that count as actually close won stages, so there's multiple. But she's actually using her board view to go right, we've got his client, the deal was won, but now we know they've been invoiced and that we have access to their site so then, 'cause she account managing, she you know, right, then the project can start so that, she's managed that from HubSpot. I'm like, "Wow, that's really cool." And so, you can see why commenting and tagging is that's a natural for it, by the way, I'd love to see surely we have some others thinking of this in the future, where deals will naturally extend to a project.

- Yes.

- It's almost that's the next step in a way to track it. It's the most ideal extensions. So anyway, I've totally gone off track but that's a good use case where we're finding this tagging and commenting on things is really useful.

- Right, so there we go. We've got that, and we've got another one where they've got priority on task now. And when you look in the priority queue it's either no priority or high priority, Craig. There's nothing in between, which is rather interesting. It's a interesting design decision, do you reckon they initially had high, medium, low. And then someone said, "That's too confusing, "it's just high, or it's not high." I think that's probably a good call with that, if that's the case.

- Seems like an odd call, but it's a good one. All right, HubSpot extra of the week. Craig, using lists to fix work flow issues.

- We might expand on this in a future episode but I think it's a god blog post on the HubSpot blog just highlighting a few, first thing the issues that sometimes happen in work flows, people go into work flows, they don't receive e-mails. They go into work flows, ah they get pushed out. You can use lists to kinda just report across that and what's happened, and things like that. So check out that blog posts for a few examples and again, a reminder of just how awesome work flows are yet also, the power can be complex and so sometimes--

- That's right.

- Digging into what's gone wrong or expected can be complex but lists are part of the solution.

- That's right, I've had one of those this week, which I got to the bottom of, it took me me a little bit of time.

- Ah, and how did you get to the bottom of it?

- Looking at the word for history and actually it was a timing issue because people entering a work flow and being held in a delay while another work for execute.

- Were these nested work flows, were they--

- No, they weren't nested, so. It was an interesting scenario, so I had to track it back. And it's all because of a sequence of events the user took that I didn't think would happen.

- Why can't the users just do what we want? Just go down the straight path of no deviations, right?

- But you know what, that was good. Taught us something else. All right, Craig onto the what gotcha of the week. And this is to do with ads, add-on within HubSpot.

- Yeah, so this is a reminder, this has been a gotcha of the week before.

- It has.

- I can't remember it might have been 20 episodes ago, but when using ads add-on and you go and you look at your campaigns in your running so I had this yesterday with a client, its happened again. So when you're looking at all the campaigns that are running you kinda see across the top a summary and almost and then you see a list of campaigns. What I'm finding, and I think this is intuitive, this is what you expect, is people click that tick box that's that slider that tick it on or off, expecting that to be reflected in the totals above. So, all those campaigns, oh no, no, no, I'll just hide that one from the reporting list. So they tick it off and quite often all you're showing is the active campaigns.

- Correct.

- So your viewers only filtered on active figure, oh yeah turn that one off and it disappears out of view, and you go, "Oh, hang on, numbers didn't update, "oh, that's weird, anyway go on your merry way." No, that tick box--

- You just turned off your campaign.

- It's turned off the campaign. I think it's a really bad UI--

- Yes.

- Choice.

- Correct.

- Because people are shocked when I go, "No, you've"--

- And it's not clearly marked.

- It's not clear, and you go, "All right, you've turned off the campaign, I had no idea." Because then you don't see the campaign, it doesn't even stick around to show that it's turned off, because by default as I've said you're filtering just on active campaign, it's like, wow, that's a gotcha, so then people are going, "Hang on, there's campaigns, "I never turned this on."

- Well, you know what was interesting I had a customer today tell me their filter view was everything that was active and what's the other status?

- Where you can be paused, or you can be in draft.

- Yeah, it must have been paused, right? So that I had-- that's right, they were paused because I paused it because the issue with some of the tracking that someone had done. Anyway, they said, "Ah, look I can see this issue here, "can I just delete this out of here?" I'm like, "No, you can't delete anything." I said, "But change the status at the top "to only see what's active and "you'll just see what's running." And they're like, "Ah, yeah, okay that's so much better." So, you know, I can just see confusion on here. Like when people go, "I don't wanna see that." And they think, oh yeah, I'll just push that, I'll just toggle that switch, and away we go.

- I actually think they're gonna have, because they're increasingly putting more ad management features into the ads add-on, you know, I think that relates fun for LinkedIn lead ads that you can create from HubSpot now. And I'm like, well HubSpot must have the telemetry that says people are using it for that. But, we tell all our clients don't use the ads add-on for managing and creating ads, only do it for reporting. Because most of our clients are being corporate, so we're like, no, do that on the actual platforms themselves but then just use HubSpot because the reporting. When that's their mindset, it's like, wow, and they're only doing it for point, that's when the interface gets in the way, it's like, ah, if it's just for reporting. So, it's hard, I think HubSpots gotta do some more work on these interface to be really clear about what's management versus just reporting.

- Yeah, that's right, because when you think about what we have in Google, for example, and we're having Facebook, like it's really clear, like, it looks like a pause button and it looks like a green, like there is nothing where this just looks like I'm toggling something on and off which could be, I'm trying to get this out of my view. And that's how it happens. Here's a little second gotcha. I had a customer as we were doing setup, I said, "Oh, why don't you just connect your Facebook "account in with, into HubSpot." So they did that, anyway I proceeded to create, after I left their office, I proceeded to create a lead ad and I couldn't, it was grayed out. So, the person that connects the Facebook ad account is the only person that can create a Facebook lead ad from within HubSpot, did you know that?

- I didn't know that, however, I've run into issues with lead ads before because I don't know if it's still with us, but you couldn't share them even on the Facebook platform. So you'd create it, actually now I'm thinking of LinkedIn. You'd create it but then anyone else that had access to the ad account they couldn't And I'm like, what are lead forms. And the other problem I guess with Facebook, I don't know if they've overcome this yet, you can't edit your existing lead forms.

- That's right, you can't do that.

- And I can understand why they do it. 'Cause maybe changing fields effects a whole bunch of things and the measurement and stuff like that. But they're very rigid, so I suspect that something like that that flows through to permissions as well.

- Yeah, I suspect that like it's obviously very fine a user that's connected the account so like, for example, if I've connect in then I ask you to create the lead ad, you won't be able to. It's just grayed out.

- I'm gonna guess that that's a Facebook limitation, not a HubSpot limitation.

- Marketing tip of the week, Craig. And this is a blog post from HubSpot. And what caught my attention was I had people ask me this week, "What's a good time to send an e-mail?" Right. Now we have spoken about this over time. We've looked at different recent portion to put out. Anyway, one popped up in a HubSpot blog post that said, you know, here's what we found about the best time to send e-mails, so I clicked it. And here was the title, "The best time to send an e-mail" and in parenthesis it says, "researched based" So I thought okay, that's really interesting. Let's read more about this. And so I'm gonna now share what they found. And then I'll ask, pose a question about asking you why do you think this is the case. It said in general the highest quick to open rates are 10 a.m. at 21%, 1 p.m. at 22.5%, and have seen a spike at 6 p.m. The data reflects when most audiences begin, or conclude their day and have the most time to check their e-mails. Now one question to me here, said these numbers are from GetResponse, which is an e-mail marketing tool that has combined its diehard compile of report of e-mail marketing benchmarks. They analyzed four billion e-mails from 1,000 active senders. You know what, this raised a red flag to me. I went, hang on a second, that's a lot of e-mails from a 1,000 senders, right. And then I thought, hang on, why did HubSpot not use the data from their own e-mail marketing system to create this report, or this research.

- Well, this is very weird, yeah first of all, four billion e-mails from a 1,000 senders. I think there's some zeros missing somewhere.

- Yes.

- I have to check, but if they sent four billion e-mails from a million senders, and I'm like okay, they are probably numbers, let's assume that's a typo.

- Yes.

- But it's very weird. But your question is, why are they using GetResponse starter then their own, I'm like, yeah what is going on here?

- Yeah, like.

- So, not that that means that the results or the findings aren't relevant or useful. We should definitely but, I'm generally intrigued. Why are they using GetResponse starter, I'd love to know.

- Yeah, so here I am really perplexed, anyway.

- I don't think I have a solution. You'll remain perplexed as am I. But those times are interesting, aren't they?

- They are interesting. Like the quick to open rate, so those just in case this ones thinking the highest is 21%, that's not open rate, that's click to open rate.

- Correct.

- So, did they actually mention what the open rates were as well, I'm assuming there are--

- Yes, they did.

- much higher than that.

- So, okay I'll tell ya, so they got the open, they actually got open rates from something that campaign monitor had collected. So, now we're talking a different e-mail marketing system.

- What is going on?

- And I'll read this to you. So, it says the best data send through an e-mail and campaign monitor that collected data from millions of e-mails used on their service. They put together the best days to that pertains to data collection. All right, the best day for the highest e-mail open rates at 18.6% is Thursday.

- Well look, the other thing that I wanna mention, is take all of this with a grain of salt to your own test and measure. We've chat about this on the show before because I think take these as a guide for maybe where you start your testing.

- Sorry.

- But, always just, so how do you try and, there are so many variables. For example, if you've got a terrible subject line, doesn't matter when you send it.

- Oh yeah, exactly.

- Right? You got a great subject line, oh, it probably will get opened, if it's relevant, we've always talked about relevance. If it's relevant, people will open it and look forward to it, and read it. If it's not, they won't. So it doesn't matter when you send it, really. So this is why I'm kinda dubious. And I think test and measure in your own company. You might take benchmarks across an industry, it's just a bit of a guide to start. But you gotta test this yourself.

- You're absolutely right there, Craig. I remember when we use to deal with different businesses and a lot of the businesses that were, that we use to send e-mail marketing to, they were dealing with trainings. And so, we'd often send it specifically at times when they had their breaks because we discovered that that's the time that they're really open to, you know, they're eating something, or smoking something--

- That's a great insight, yeah.

- so, that's when we targeted them, right?

- Right.

- Now if you'd told me that and said ah, no, we should send it at the first, you know, on a Thursday at this time, you might be like, why?

- You know the other thing that this doesn't account for? High intent.

- Yes.

- Because I would like to see this go through what actually, what were the clicks, or what were the opens and then the clicks and then then form submits that then went into a deal that ended up in revenue. We've discussed this before, I've gotta hunch that a lot of that starts on a Sunday evening. People, they're like, ah, they're getting ready for the week so you prime them with something, like, ah yeah, I've got that. Yeah, I'll fill that in 'cause I'm gonna chat with them this week. But, the open rate might be low, and the quick rate might be low, but the intent rate might be high. How do you test for that?

- Well, you've gotta have huge data sets. And apparently you've gotta get it out on the e-mail platforms there.

- So there we go, I don't know if that's provided you any insights but let's talk about that. All right Craig, onto our insights of the week. He's advertising the new dot com babble.

- Speaking of test and measure, this is a good segue because this is an article in the correspondent and you should go and read this because what they're looking at is, is it worth paying for advertising, especially on things like your brand. And this article is good and bad. It's good because it raises the question as well, you've got a test, but now are you testing the right things? And so it gives this great example of someone was testing whether you use coupons, this was an offline test but it relates to online notice that, a pizza shop are now testing whether coupons would drive more sales. And so this is a bit of one of the apocryphal stories I don't know if it's true or probably has some grain of truth but the three guys go out and they're handing out their voucher coupons, it's like, ah wow, one of these guys is really like, he's really successful. Who was he targeting, where was he getting them, right? 'Cause the rate of people using that coupon was really high. Anyway, so if you didn't do the analysis, you go, "Right, well, that persons a star, "or that offer was really good." Anyway, they asked and I said, "Ah, what have you been doing?" and he says, "Ah, I just stand in the line "in the pizza store and give them "while they're queuing their order." Right. So you could see the point, it's like, well, obviously they were gonna buy it anyway, right. And so, take that simple example which may or may not be true, and apply it to your test. So, what the article raises is well, if people didn't have the intent to buy--

- Yes.

- Did showing them an ad really reach them or are we just burning money 'cause they were gonna buy it anyway. So, obviously it's a lot more complex. People have multiple touches and all that kind of thing. This article talks about that. So then, you've gotta take that and try to work out well, are we just re-targeting people that were gonna buy, what is it all they have campaigns, all those things, so, I don't have answers for you 'cause it's complex but the action item is to think about this, to start thinking, test and measure. Now, that's the good part of the article. The bad part of the article is some of the conclusions they arrive at are based on studies and testing from 2012.

- Oh wow.

- Which is like, that's an eternity ago in online advertising, so they're like anybody who did this study and they found eBay didn't wanna beat on their brand, you know, in Google you beat on your brand. And I think by now everyone knows they probably should. But five years ago, they're like, ah, should we be beating on our brand? And so they stopped and all that went organic. So they're like, ah, we don't need to beat on our brand. Now, that was a great result for then. But of course, you should keep testing that because we know the Google results are not as simple as they were then. So when they throw in those kind of findings, you know, six years later or whatever, seven years later, and use it drive a conclusion that perhaps advertising is a waste of money, that's where I fall down, so go onto this article thoughtfully. The action item I'm gonna take away is to test and measure as we always say.

- I mean, it is true, like I shared a search result I got the other day with you, and I wasn't even looking for this I search for, I was looking at a particular fitness tracker and I just, I was trying to recall who I, I had it in a podcast I think somebody interviewed this particular person. They spoke about how they managed their life, and the things that they do to keep themselves at optimal level, right? So I thought, ah, I just wanna check this out. Anyway, so I was racking my brain to figure out, and so I just thought maybe one of the podcast I listen to I typed in that persons name with fitness tracker after it. And the result I got back I was like, I have never seen this before. Which was basically a video and had all the major key points in that video in like a timeline that you could kinda sift your way through. And then just had videos below. There was no text result or ad anywhere on that but I could see on the page initially, right? And I was blown away, so I took a screenshot and sent it to you, Craig. So, it just shows to me that what we know about search results has totally changed in what we see happen on a device when people are browsing. So there you have it, I think, just test and measure and be aware of what's going on. Now Craig, you've gotta throwback of the week.

- I thought this would be interesting, also along this align of increments. Let's throwback each week and say, what was HubSpot announcing 12 months ago. And you know what they were announcing 12 months ago?

- Content partitioning?

- Content partitioning. It was this new thing that they're rolling out.

- Yes.

- It's raw and acute today and it's all across the platform and still getting better, so content partitioning, we're all hanging out for it. And I think this came just on the hills of inbound at the times.

- It was, correct. All right, results of the week, Craig. And this is something I discovered. Somebody showed this to me this week. It's a YouTube video so I recommend people watch it.

- We'll probably share the link.

- Were you watching it ad free?

- Well, it was ad free when I started. It's called the domino chain reaction. Yeah, it just blew my mind away how from a domino that was probably like five millimeters high, they knocked over a domino that was I think over a meter and a bit higher and so you just look at the scale of this tiny they used tweezers I think to put it on the ground.

- It just blew me away.

- So, you need to just explain the setup. The point is, when you have a row of domino's they all knock each other over but you can increase each time the size of the domino. So increase it by 50% each time and you'll and I think in the video showed there was like 13 steps from this tiny little thing that he started with tweezers, in and knocking over a meter tall one.

- It was quite amazing.

- And then when you get to 29 you can knock over the Empire State Building, apparently.

- Just I was, it blew me away to show you the power of something so small can gain momentum and do something so big.

- Good luck, Lil BUB.

- There you go. All right, quote of the week, Craig. And this is from Larry Page, "We should be building great things that don't exist."

- Now why have you chosen a Larry Page quote for today?

- Well, I chose a Larry Page quote, it was gonna be Larry or Sergey because they just stepped down from the head of Alphabet and they've let Sundar Pichai take over, so I thought that was a pretty momentous occasion and that's what, here we are. Anything else, Craig?

- I think that's it. We'd love you to leave us a review on Apple podcast and anyway you listen to this podcast. And we always love it when people e-mail us and actually say that they've learned something or just to say hi, and as we head towards the end of this year, we wanna thank you. Thank everybody for listening, being a part of the journey and supporting us over the last four years, and we hope you have a great holiday.

- Well Craig, until next time.

- Catch you later, Ian. Hey there, thanks for listening to this episode of HubShots for show notes and the latest topics about news and tips please visit us at

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