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Episode 248: HubSpot Form Translations and Comparison

Episode 248: HubSpot Form Translations and Comparison

Welcome to HubShots Episode 248: HubSpot Form Translations and Comparison  

This edition we dive into:

  • Old versus New
  • Google rolling out a major algorithm update
  • HubSpot Form Translations
  • Comparing HubSpot Forms
  • How to use Never Log  settings to ensure you don’t accidentally log sensitive stuff into HubSpot
  • How to export out your list of HubSpot users
  • The Peak and End Rule
  • Shifting your content budget to customer enablement
  • Amazing map of the online world

You can listen to this episode of the show here.

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Recorded: Monday 07 June 2021 | Published: Friday 11 June 2021

Shot 1: Growth Thought of the Week

Shoutout to our listeners in Pakistan

Before we get into the episode this week, a quick shoutout to our listeners in Pakistan. Last week I had the privilege of chatting with two Pakistani entrepreneurs (hi Shahzeb!) who are building a wonderful no-code ecommerce marketplace, and using HubSpot to handle all the marketing and onboarding. Exciting to hear their story and vision.  

How to Help Us

If you’d like to help us reach more people, thank you! It's simple -  we’d love you to forward this email on to your work and industry colleagues. That’s it. We thank you in advance.

Is New Necessarily Better?

Consider two classic books - Influence by Robert Cialdini (1984), and Spin Selling by Neil Rackham (1988). Both were highly successful and recommended readying for marketing and sales people respectively for many years.

Depending on who you speak to you’ll likely hear that one of them is still relevant, and the other has been replaced by new processes.

Here’s the one that has stood the test of time - Influence is still highly recommended in marketing circles to this day:

However, SPIN Selling has been replaced by new frameworks and approaches (again, though, depending on who you talk to - the book still sells well):

My point: being old isn’t necessarily a bad thing when it comes to understanding the human mind.

We’ll come back to this later when discussing an old, yet still valuable, lesson in Shot 7.

But before that, let’s quickly cover recent news and updates...

Shot 2: Quick Shots of the Week

Here’s a few quick items of interest we noticed:

  • HubSpot workflows have added an option to copy details from a workflow action eg if a Workflow action was to create a Zoom meeting you could copy the zoom link to a contact property (and then use it in an automated email to the contact)
  • The HubSpot Files area now has a recycle bin
  • You can set priorities on Deals
  • Custom Report Builder now adds support for Sequences and Sales Emails
  • The HubSpot Traffic Analytics report (Reports menu > Analytics Tools > Traffic Analytics) now includes Countries, Browsers and Device Types reports:
  • Google Core Update rolling out currently (in two parts - most in June, so other parts in July) as per Danny Sullivan’s tweet. Here’s Google’s general guidance around algorithm updates.

  • And finally, Twitter rolled out their new (first!) subscription option: Twitter Blue. I signed up (mostly just to check it out) and whilst Undo tweet and Folder organisation are OK, the main benefit for me is the Reader View which nicely compiles threads into an easy to read view. Worth it for the price alone (for me - your mileage may vary of course). What I (and millions of others) really want though is the option to hide ads - I’ll happily pay $15 a month for that (similar to what I pay for YouTube Premium). Yes, I know that I make a living managing ad campaigns for clients - the irony of me wanting to never see ads is not lost on me...

Shot 3: HubSpot Marketing Feature of the Week

HubSpot Form Translations

The ability to translate forms quickly into 28 other languages than you own is amazingly quick.  Useful if you have a large amount of traffic from other languages/regions.  

Then you could compare the forms to see how they are performing.

Shot 4: HubSpot Sales Feature of the Week

Never Log Settings in HubSpot

We’ve covered this before, but worth reminding how easy it is to block email addresses from getting logged into HubSpot.

There are two areas for configuring the Never Log settings - one for personal (just for you), the other for global (applies to everyone).

The personal setting is part of your General preferences:

This is a good place to add your personal friends and family (eg I have my wife’s email set to never log).

The global settings is under the Objects > Activities section:

General guidance: we usually recommend adding in your own company domain (ie don’t log emails between staff), plus any key suppliers (eg software tools and services) that you don’t want cluttering up your CRM contacts. At XEN we exclude any emails related to our project management tool (Teamwork) for example.

Shot 5: HubSpot Quick Tip of the Week

How To Export Out Your List of HubSpot Users

This is a common question on the HubSpot Community site (eg here, here and here)

One quick way is to use a Chrome Extension such as Table Capture to export out the list (eg into Google Sheets or Excel)

BTW you can use One Click Extensions Manager to turn it off when you aren’t using it.

Shot 6: HubSpot Gotcha of the Week

Accidentally logging emails into HubSpot (and Creating New Contacts)

One of our clients was getting up to speed with HubSpot and installed the HubSpot Connector for Office 365.

However, many of the staff didn’t realise that the ‘logging’ was ticked on by default, and started logging all their emails into HubSpot including potentially confidential emails between staff (Eg their accounts department).

The gotcha is that the HubSpot Connector appears to set Logging as ON by default as part of the installation (I didn’t realise this - I thought it was OFF by default). And thus, if you aren’t across what the Add-in does, you could easily start logging emails into HubSpot without realising it.

See Shot 4 above for how to ensure you never log emails for a specific domain eg your company domain.

Shot 7: Marketing Tip of the Week

The Peak and End Rule

This is a useful item I picked up from the fantastic Ariyh newsletter (btw drop everything and go sign up here).

In a recent newsletter Thomas highlighted an old study (remember SHot 1) of hospital patients who had to experience pain. They found that having two really good experiences at key points in their recovery lead to lasting positive impressions of the experience.

Later research applied the same principles to other activities (ie besides medical) including consumer purchases.

This is fascinating research and can easily be applied to the customer journey experience you provide. For example in our agency we are looking at two key points - the first is a week into the onboarding experiences, and the second is at the end of each month (for retainer clients).

Here’s the takeaway for marketers: Concentrate on creating two positively intense moments in the customer journey. One at the start or during the experience, and one at the end.

Shot 8: Insight of the Week

Content Strategy Trends

This tweet from Pete Caputa got me thinking about content strategy for our clients:

As you likely know Content Marketing has always been a thing (eg John Deere) - the concept itself is not new. However, over the last 10-15 years it has been popularised to the point of having specific job titles eg job titles of ‘Content Marketer’.

What’s interesting about this is that it focuses on ‘marketing’ as the content goal. This is changing however, as the content focus moves down the customer journey.

The shift in content focus:

Marketing => Sales => Support (=> Customer Enablement)

As an aside, I’ve started using the term ‘customer enablement’ in place of ‘customer support’ lately, simply because most people mentally bucket customer support as a cost, instead of an investment.

Leading companies are pushing more of their content budget into the customer support/enablement category.

The switch is subtle, but important. Consider your audience as if they are already customers, and write to them with that in mind. You’ll find it shifts your approach from trying to sell, to trying to help - which of course is what we’ve known we should be doing all along.

Examples: HubSpot Academy, most marketing tools (ahrefs, SEMrush)

Consider your own behaviour - do you find yourself (when evaluating a new product) reading through the knowledge bases and customer docs of the product to get an understanding of what it can do? If so, then you’re probably already onboard with this idea.

Here’s the takeaway: write for your audience of customers, and let the marketing team use it to promote your brand.

Shot 9: HubShots Throwback of the Week

Via the HubSpot product updates blog.

This time a year ago HubSpot was releasing New Features for Enhanced Slack App for Account-Based Collaboration where you could Sync Call Info & Notify a Slack Channel.

Shot 10: Resource of the Week

Why You Should use Products in your Google My Business profile

If you can create products for your business, make sure you use them in GMB.

Shot 11: Quote of the Week

“Excellence is a process, not an Event.”

  • Mentioned by many leaders

Shot 12: Bonus Links of the Week

How Google Chooses its Sources for News

Summary: vague panderings

For an example of saying a lot while saying not much, check out how Google explains their criteria for including sites in their news listings. Very vague, with an assurance that many factors and criteria are taken into account.

Shot 13: Big Shots of the Week

A Map of the Online World in Incredible Detail

This is really cool. Check out this map of the world’s biggest internet properties grouped into a world map format.

We found HubSpot over in near Latency Sea:

Prepare to kiss 30 mins goodbye as you roam around the full size (20MB) version. Fantastic.

Shot 14: Follow Us on the Socials

Connect with HubShots here:

Connect with Ian Jacob on LinkedIn and Craig Bailey on LinkedIn 

HubShots, the podcast for marketing managers and sales professionals who use HubSpot, hosted by Ian Jacob from Search & Be Found and Craig Bailey from XEN Systems.

HubShots is produced by Christopher Mottram from Podcastily.

Please share this with colleagues - it helps us improve and reach more marketers.

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Full Transcript of HubShots Episode 248

- [Ian] Hi, everyone. Welcome to HubShots Episode 248. In this episode, we talk about HubSpot form translations and comparison, Google rolling out their major algorithm updates, how to use Never Log settings in HubSpot, and shifting your content budget to customer enablement. You're listening to Asia Pacific's number one HubSpot focus podcast, where we discuss HubSpot tips, tricks and strategies for growing yourself, service marketing and operations results. Craig, with me is Craig Bailey from Xen Systems. And my name is Ian Jacob from Search & Be Found. How are you Craig?

- [Craig] I'm really well. And you know how we say where Asia Pacific's number on the HubSpot podcast. We can now add to that. And Pakistan's number one HubSpot focused podcasts because I had a chat with some entrepreneurs from Pakistan last week. They're using HubSpot, part of HubSpot's Startup Program, building some really cool new things. So shout out to that. Hi, Shaza yeah, really good to chat with you and your team last week.

- He says, if you don't know, HubSpot has a protocol, the Startup Program, with you can use the product at greatly discounted prices if you have received funding from approved VCs, right?

- I'm not sure of the details.

- Well, it's something like that. It's wherever you get money from and next what do we have Craig?

- Oh, you know, people say, how can we help you and support you? It's pretty easy. Well, basically you can write us a podcast. That's one way, but the best way just forward on the show notes or sign up for the show notes and then forward them on to your work colleagues or industry colleagues as well. Just to help us get the word out. That would be fantastic.

- Before we continue. What do we have coming up, Craig? The HubSpot HubShots 28 day Marketing Challenge.

- That's right. I don't think we can actually use HubSpot in the name of our, our offering. Can we?

- No, I don't think we can.

- I think their branding guidelines say we can't. So it's, it's the HubShots 28 day Marketing Challenge

- For people that use HubSpot and marketing professionals.

- We got to be carefully these days

- And this is really aimed at people who want to get their HubSpot marketing campaign launched within 28 days. And so you could have done a campaign ages ago and you haven't maybe done one for the last six months to a year and a lot has changed in the platform. So this is a great opportunity for you to join us on this journey of 28 days of executing and building a campaign. Now, Craig is there new, necessarily better?

- I think this is an important question. And it's going to come back later and shot seven When we talk about a particular piece of research I've been looking at, and how it's actually from the late nineties, early two thousands, but it struck me that people often assume that old means out of date and no longer useful. I want to challenge that idea. And I'm going to give you two books. Both of these are classics. One is called Influence by Robert Cialdini. I think most people have heard of that in marketing circles. The other is Spin Selling by Neil Rackham, and that's a classic sales book. These are both from the nineties and here's the thing, Influence, that book is still considered very useful. Even, you know, Seth Godin, many others refer to it,

- Yeah, I agree

- And they'll say fantastic book because the principle's still valid. Now, Spin Selling largely replaced by other sales processes and techniques these days. So two classic books, although I have to say Spin still sells well. It's still a classic, yet, they go to classic books, one I think has stood the test of time. And the other has been replaced. Your mileage may vary. I think that's important because as we come to discuss ideas, we often think, Oh, I just want the latest and greatest. Well, sometimes the old still is valuable. And even when we look at the very topic of content marketing itself later, we'll discuss that.

- All right, this is on to our quick shots of the week. And HubSpot workflows have added an option to copy details from a workflow action. Example. If a workflow action was to create a Zoom meeting, you could copy the zoom link to a contact property, and then use it in an automated email to the contact. And I love that.

- Yeah, it's really good. So I'll just quickly flush that out a little bit. We've always been able to copy properties. Aren't copying contact property, company or a deal or whatever? Now, it's from the action, as you said, Zoom. So that actually goes off to an integration piece, pulls out back Zoom. Before, you couldn't really go, Well, how do I actually get that link and copy it in? Well now you can just copy that from the action itself into a contact property, create a custom property. And then you can use that say, in follow up emails, things like that.

- Which is amazing because I think before you had to create a separate property and have that already updated in the contact property without doing it on the fly. All right. Another thing listeners, HubSpot files are now, they now have a Recycle Bin.

- Yeah. Everything's got a recycle bin just about these days, which is great.

- That's right, even workflows. And now, and this is one I love Craig. You can now set priorities on deals. So at least as if you've seen tasks where you can go or within the system, I think task might just be higher. No, but here we've got low, medium, high, a bit like a traffic light system. This is now available on deals and it's a property and you might need to uncover the property on your view but then it shows up on the actual card, yeah.

- Dashboard

- Yeah. So definitely worth a look. And another one that I love and we're testing is the custom report builder that adds support for sequences and sales emails. And finally, we've got the HubSpot Traffic Analytics report, where you can now include countries, browsers, and device types.

- So many little updates.

- Incremental improvements we limit.

- And they're just in our quick shots. That's not even in the features.

- And Craig, I've got another one Google Core update rolling out, currently in two parts

- Oh yeah. Worth mentioning this to people. See, if you're seeing changes in your organic traffic, as you listen to this, it will have been out for a bit over a week now. And it's in two parts. So typically, they have a few major releases through the year. They're continually rolling out minor updates, but a few major releases. It was all supposed to come out in June, but they've actually broken it into two parts. And if you look at Google Search Liaison, Danny's actually saying, look, we didn't get it all ready. So there'll be a second update to this in July as well. So brace yourself, folks. If organic is a big part of your sales strategy, then you could be in for a bit of a shock, as we always are. We're always at the mercy of Google. Aren't we, then?

- That's right. And what I love about this upgrade, Craig, there is a no fancy name. It's called the June 2021 core update.

- Well, it's up to the community to name it, as they do each year.

- So this is again well worth getting the show notes so you can see or you can click directly through because we've got all of these in the show notes for your quick access, really.

- That's right.

- Even if you don't listen to the show, tell your friends to get the show notes.

- And finally Twitter rolled out their first subscription option, Craig.

- Yeah. Twitter Blue. Have you signed up for this?

- No, you're probably not a big Twitter user. I am. That tends to be any social network I'm on, Twitter. So I signed up more just to check it out and, look, it's pretty underwhelming. I've got to say there's an undo tweet option, which I've never had a need for. There's a folders thing, which is mildly useful. I don't know if that should be a paid feature. It seems like that's something basic, should have been included for free. But the thing that they have added, which I have found value in, is the reader view.

- Okay.

- And so, because there's a quite a trend towards creating threads on Twitter,

- Yes.

- and we often share them in the show notes, don't we, some Twitter threads, which are really good.

- Correct.

- You've got to chronic scroll through those as well. We've got this review week, just pulls them all together, and to consolidate a view, I find that useful. That saves me time. I'm happy to pay for time. And so that's why I'll probably continue. I think that's worth the price alone. Of course, the thing that I and millions of others want is just to get rid of ads.

- Yes.

- As you know, I'll happily pay to not see ads. YouTube Premium, I'd happily pay for. Happily pay for it on Twitter as well. No sign that'll ever come.

- Yes, that's what telling me the subscription does not actually remove the ads.

- Correct. You still see ads.

- Wow. Interesting. All right. Onto our HubSpot Marketing Feature of the Week. And this has to do with HubSpot form translations. And this is one of those little hidden gems. Isn't it, Craig?

- This is really cool. We stumbled across this today.

- Yes.

- Picking out forms, you know, and by the way a little bit of inside baseball for listeners about when we're preparing the show notes. I think when we get together most, we record on Mondays, is when we get together in Monday afternoon, we've probably got 70 to 80% of the show notes all prepared from the week or the weekend writing stuff. And there's still the last little bits to slide in, what kind of like, oh, why don't we cover this? And we chucked out something. So for example, we were going to cover some new things in the custom report builder today.

- That's right.

- We decided it wasn't as interesting enough. So we checked it out and we're like, Ah, what are we going to talk about? The marketing feature? Oh, I know, let's go and have a look at forms. They're always improving forms, and what do you know? It didn't disappoint. So what have we got in forms?

- So this is- quickly create a translation of a form into 28 other languages or rather, other than your own. I think it'd be useful if you have a lot of traffic from certain countries, or you're managing a site where you've got multiple languages, it would be a really great thing. And the other thing you could utilize once you've created these translations, you could use the new Compare Form function and see how the forms are comparing, they could be identical, but it's a really good idea of how they're performing based on region. So there's one way to use that. This is really cool.

- So we were mucking around with this and I created a form. I check credit translation of an existing form and I just, ah, why don't we choose German first? And it's like, oh yeah, it changed all the labels for the HubSpot properties. We need to work out how we can control that for custom properties we might add. I'm not sure if that's supported yet, but certainly for all HubSpot properties they've got localizations for all of them. So yeah. All the form labels change to German with an, Oh yeah, we'll try some others. Great. Yep. Change them as well. French, everything was really nice the way it did it. And these kinds of things, you know, it really shows that the HubSpot Form Builder is light years ahead of most other products. Have you tried to create a signup form in MailChimp lately? My goodness, what a debacle that is. Most other tools. Yet the HubSpot form builder. It's so good to use.

- Yeah. It really is. I actually think it's world-class as a form builder.

- I agree. I think the ability, the ease of use, and the ability to get information back, and to even just get the right information into the form is massive.

- The scenario for this, so you can imagine these forms, so you can have a smart form in a HubSpot page, you can just say, oh, based on country, they're coming in, I'll switch it out. I think actually can choose language browser.

- Correct.

- You can just switch it out and pop in another form. That's a really good user experience. Then listeners, though, you've got to think about, well, okay. If they submit the form and that's done in another language, do we send them a thank you that's in English? No. Well, it gets smart about that as well because it's a different form. You can have multiple thank-you's and then based on which form they filled out, send them the appropriate Thank you. You can do that in branching, within the workflow and things like that. So you can really make that experience very tailored to the visitor.

- Well, personalization, isn't is, Cray? Alright. On to HubSpot Sales Feature of the Week. And this is the Never Log settings in HubSpot. And we've covered this before, because this is something that catches people out all the time. And there are two configuration places you can configure this. And one is personal and just for you, and the other is global. Now, the personal setting is under your General Preferences under the Email tab, where you can set the Never Log preference. And you do this by domain or particular email you don't want to get logged. It doesn't mean you can't track it. It just means it does not go into HubSpot. And the other one is the global preferences to do with never logging anything from a domain. So listeners, example is, we would never log anything from our project management system. If you're using or teamwork, you might want to put that domain where emails are flying in and out of. You might not want to log anything from internally to your business. So your And the other one you might not want to do is anything with suppliers that you are communicating with. That might be sensitive. You can also block those domains from never logging.

- Yeah. So they're good for the global setting and for the personal setting that's where you put family and friends. So I have my wife in my personal settings. Never log emails from her. I don't want that going into HubSpot. And you know, the rest of the company is seeing what I'm chatting with my wife about on email. So worth getting this in place early on. And as we'll talk about in our guide for the week coming up you can probably imagine what it's going to relate to.

- Now, I'm just a HubSpot quick tip of the week, how to export out your list of HubSpot users. And this is a common question that people ask on the HubSpot community site, Craig. And what's the quick way to do that?

- Yeah. So, I'll just quickly expand on that. So people go, oh, we've got hundreds of users in our HubSpot portal and HR want to know, tell me the list of users and, and their permissions and that. So it's hard. There's no actual export option at the moment. I mean, one way is you can go into account settings and you can export 90 days of who's logged in.

- Correct.

- But that's not really going to meet it. So, what you do is that there's a Chrome extension called

- Table Capture.

- Table Capture, which then you just right click on the table in HubSpot, and it gives you the option to export out and pop it in let's say in a Google Sheet or an Excel file. So, no in-built HubSpot way to do it. Get a Chrome extension that allows you to export out the HTML into another format.

- You know what? I can see so many users for this export table out, and it's getting me excited. All right, onto a HubSpot Gotcha of the Week. Craig accidentally logging emails into HubSpot and creating new contacts.

- Yeah. So, and that's why we talked about Never Log before. Cause that's the solution to this problem. But yeah, I had a new, actually a long-term client but we were getting them up to speed with the HubSpot connector. And I didn't realize this, that when you install a HubSpot connector in Outlook, by default, it has logging on. I always thought it was off by default and had to turn it on. So maybe I'm wrong or maybe it's changed. Anyway, I said, look, get that up to speed. I'll give you training on it later in the week. So they went diligently, you know, and went, oh great. So everyone installed it.

- Yep.

- And of course you can imagine what happened, you know, the next day, panic, what's going on. Ah, suddenly we're logging sensitive internal emails to HubSpot.

- Oh no. What's going on? Anyway, that setting is on by default. So the Gotcha is, a whole bunch of people install this connector. Suddenly, every email that we're logging was going into HubSpot. So the Gotcha is that it's on by default. I think that should be off by default. I'm not sure.

- And the thing that I've discovered with the Office 365 or the Microsoft Add-Ons, we often have issues when they're upgrades to Outlook or Outlook 365 or sorry, Office 365. Often these kinds of things happen inadvertently. So, it could be at either end.

- Yeah, I guess that's right. I mean, it was easily solved in this case. Just show them, look and untick a few. Most people knew, but if you didn't, then of course we just deleted all internal context and then we put in the Never Logs so no internal contacts could ever get logged accidentally anyway. But yeah, just a bit of a Gotcha there. Now the thing about this gotcha, is that it potentially surfaces sensitive information and that's a, that's a really big issue. So I think, I mean, certainly I'm going to change the way we do training with clients. The highlight that right up front. I'd be very careful about that layout. But I just think for other listeners, especially if you're the marketing manager and you're like, oh great. Or the sales manager or sales here, put this in place. Maybe get the Never Log settings in place first. And maybe that's a discovery pace with the client or with the rest of your team. What should we never log? Get that in place first. And then, okay now you can go ahead and install a connector.

- Okay. On-time Marketing Tip of the Week. The Peak and End Rule.

- All right. First thing you got to do is go and sign up for this newsletter. It's Ariyh, it's spelled A R I Y H newsletter. And that's written by a guy called Thomas. He's ex-Google. Anyway, when he looks at is past and present research to provide marketing, evidence-based marketing insights. This is golden. If you haven't signed up, I've only recently.

- I just did it, Craig.

- It's fantastic. Anyway, I'm going to talk. This is basically taken straight from one of his emails that I got. He talked about the Peak and End Rule. This is fascinating. So he looked back at medical research. This is people being in hospitals, having treatments over a longer period of time. So, you know, weeks or months, so you might be in there with a burns unit or something like that. It's about things that do heal. So it wasn't about say end-of-life situations, but painful situations. And it looked at well instead of trying to ease the pain over all the time and make them comfortable at the time, what they found was by having two very specific incidents where they did give pain relief and satisfaction, people remembered it with a very positive recollection, even though there was lots of pain along the way.

- Yep.

- So they call it the Peak and End Rule. And so that's the start of the research. I think that was from early nineties. And then later they thought, well, this is interesting. If people, psychologically, they can be this peak point and it was maybe a third or half of the way into it, a really high satisfaction point. And then the end was very satisfying. It didn't matter how much pain was along the way. And I thought, oh, let's apply this outside of medical into more consumer areas, you know, people. And so of course we're thinking in our agency and we think, oh, this is onboarding. That's a painful experience for a lot of people. We'll try and make it as painless as possible. Ah, getting campaigns up and running and getting assets and chasing people to get access to a council. Like it's kind of annoying and painful, right?

- It is.

- That's the part that clients have to battle through. We're like Ryan, how can we make a really peak satisfaction point early on? So we were actually planning one, two weeks into onboarding because we know we can't get rid of all of the pain. We can make it a better experience. We can't get rid of all the pain at the signup, but two weeks in, we want them to have a really nice event happen for the client. I'm not going to say what it is here, but you get the point. And then later we're going to have an end point, which is usually at the end of each month because for retainer clients, if it's ongoing it's going to be an end point, which is a highest satisfaction. Well, that's a personal call or some other follow-up so that all those pain points along the way kind of overwhelmed by these peak and end. So, I think that's really interesting research, Go and have a look at this, but that's the point. And so of course, we're delivering results along the way, but as you know, in it doesn't matter how good the results are. If there's pain along the way, people always grumbled about that. So it's about overcoming that with some very high satisfaction points. Fascinating research.

- All right, I'll try Inside of the Week, Craig. Content strategy trends. And this tweet came from Pete Caputa. And got us thinking about the content strategy for our clients. And it was very interesting. So this is in the tweet when you'd get the show notes, it says, in the 2000s, if you took a SaaS company, it was all about the sales. In the 2010s, it was all about marketing. And now 2020s, it's all about support.

- Yeah. As you said, this got us thinking. And as we know, content marketing itself is not new. And we've got a link here from John Deere. You know, the tractor and farm supplies.

- I know. Yeah.

- Content marketing is not new. The concept's not new. It's been popularized of light and kind of given a, now, I don't know if it was always called content marketing, probably not. That's a recent thing but we now have job titles, Content Marketer, right?

- Correct.

- Cause it's very popular now. Here's the point that Pete's making, and that I've been thinking through, It's like, oh, content marketing, it's all around marketing. But the trend from moving from content is from marketing well to sales. Now we put up quite a lot of time into generating sales content. We've always had sales activity, you know, or, you know salespeople getting on the phone and stuff like that. But sales content that the marketing team built, but now it's moving to customer support and I've, I try not to use the word customer support. I use customer enablement now because support, normally,

- It' means something's going wrong, right?

- Yeah. Most people think support our cost center, whereas customer enablement, ah, facilitation, ah that's an asset, right? Recurring customer happiness kind of thing. So think about your content for customer enablement. And if you think of your own behavior, I was thinking, what do I do when I'm evaluating a tool, especially a SaaS tool. I tend to find I'm in their knowledge base, I'm digging around, how to install. This is the, I have not purchased it yet, but how to install, what can I do? Set it up? How would I use it? Because from the knowledge base, I'm actually trying to get a sense of how easy it is to use, and what it can do. That to me, and maybe I'm a little bit geeky and nerdy so I'm not usual, but I don't think I'm on my own, right?

- No.

- I think a lot of people read that stuff long before they purchase. Now that content is written for customers. And yet, it's normally a sales tool for me. It gets me over the line. And in fact, if tools don't have that in place, often it's a much harder sale for me. So here's the point. Pulling that altogether. Customer enablement content, maybe the listener start thinking about pushing your content budget into that bucket. More so than the upfront marketing and trying to, you know, trying to talk about a problem that they might not be aware because they're in research mode. For the middle of funnel and bottom of the funnel, maybe you should be pushing to actually assuming they're already a customer, right? For your customer audience. And then hand that over to the marketing team to use, to promote your brand.

- So, I think HubSpot does this really well with the HubSpot academy, Craig.

- Correct.

- It has done this over a long time and I'm often blown away when we talk to people and we show them the resource, how they're, how amazed they are and how they now use as a benchmark when we talk about training because they might've experienced other training from other businesses and other companies or software tools and they just go, oh, it's just not the same. And you then realize what a good asset that is in in the business. All right. Onto a HubShot Throwback of the Week, Craig. Did you know, a year ago, HubSpot was releasing new features for enhanced Slack app for account-based collaboration where you could sync call info and notify a Slack channel. Just explain that.

- Enhance Slack app

- Integrations for account-based collaboration. So is it really around account-based marketing? And so when a call is, when you had a call, you could push that call details into a Slack channel, and then notified that Slack channel.

- Oh, right.

- So you might have someone in that organization that has been contacted.

- Quite often, I'll set up a slack channel just for a particular account. You know, we're working on it.

- Correct.

- All right, under a Resource of the Week, Craig. Why you should use products in your Google My business profile. What can I say? We talk about Google My Business a lot of the time. And here is another feature that people are probably not realizing the power of it and the ability to be found in search. And this is the ability to be using products. So if you're a physical store, you can put products on there with the pricing. It's also some examples of people selling cars that were, there were cars on there with pricing. If you've got services, put your services as a product and put the pricing down because it will show in the search results in Google My business. Craig, the Quote of the Week is yours.

- "Excellence is a process, not an event." Now we haven't actually ascribed this to anyone because I've read it in many books. And it's a, it's a common thought but I just want to highlight it again. And the reason why I think, when I was most re-, I was trying to remember where I read it most recently. It's about this idea that people look for an event to be like the success point, like, I did this one thing, And then suddenly they launch into success was one of the like the silver bullet they want. And yet everything is a process. And that's what we talk about on the show often. It's like incremental improvement. It's kind of like there was no event when suddenly HubSpot became an awesome tool. It was a process of incremental improvement.

- Now we do have some bonus links and how Google chooses its sources for news.

- Oh my goodness. Did you read this?

- No I haven't but I will be.

- Oh look, if you want to read a blog post from Google that explains absolutely nothing. It's just vague meandering pandering throughout. You know, we do the right thing. I can't believe this. It's like written by the, I don't know, an unpaid intern somewhere.

- So it's very vague. That's what you're trying to tell me.

- Very vague, but linked to all over Twitter, people linking to it as if it's, you know, some nugget of insight anyway.

- And another one lists, if, if you you've got to look at this in the show notes, it says it's a map of the online world in incredible detail. And it's very cool. Craig discovered it and we were looking through it. And it has the biggest internet properties grouped into a world map format. It was fascinating. This is fantastic.

- Oh my goodness, this is good.

- And where do we find HubSpot, Craig?

- It was over near Latency Sea. Over in the right-hand side of the map hiding away there next to Salesforce and my chief.

- And a survey monkey Qualtrics. It was really interesting. And this, as you probably have heard,

- JotForm, did it say how bit JotForm is?

- Yeah. It is half the size of HubSpot.

- So I can't believe that.

- Yeah. And Typeform on top of that, Craig. And Formstack.

- Anyway Listeners, as Craig puts it in the show notes, prepare to kiss 30 minutes goodbye as you rover around the full size version of this world map. This is again, a thank you for listening. Sign up for the show notes at and leave us a review on wherever you listen to this, it would greatly help us. Until next week, Craig.

- Catch you later, Ian.

- Hey there. Thanks for listening to this episode of HubShots. To get the latest show notes, HubSpot tips, and marketing resources, sign up at You can also book time with us to help you grow better.

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