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4 min read

Episode 180: HubSpot HUGcast

Episode 180: HubSpot HUGcast

Welcome to HubShots - APAC's number 1 HubSpot focussed podcast - where we discuss HubSpot tips & tricks, new features, and strategies for growing your marketing results.

This episode is a special episode: The HUGcast, involving the Sydney HubSpot User Group.

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HubShots, the podcast for marketing managers and sales professionals who use HubSpot, hosted by Ian Jacob from Search & Be Found and Craig Bailey from XEN Systems.

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Recorded: Wednesday 23 October, 2019 | Published: Friday November 29, 2019.

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HubSpot HUGcast

Full Transcript of the Episode

- Hello there, my name is Craig Bailey. I am one of the organizers of the Sydney HubSpot User Group, and I'd like to invite you to our next event, which is this coming Wednesday 27th of November. It's our final for the year, and it's going to be an informative night. If you haven't been before let me tell you about the format. There's between 50 and 80 smart, interested, digital marketers in the room, and the agenda for the night has three particular items. We have a tip of the night, which I'm gonna go through with you in the next few minutes. There's a keynote presentation, which dives into industry research and trends. And then, a panel at the end, where we get smart people who have experience with the particular topic of the night, who give their tips and tricks as well as answering questions from the audience. Now, the theme of the night is sales and marketing alignment. As part of that, and the reason for the tip of the night, we're gonna look at how sales teams and marketing teams can work together, better. With that in mind, the tip of the night that I'm gonna go through is around deal workflows. And, you might say, well if I'm gonna go through the tip now, why would I bother turning up on the night? Well, two reasons. One, this is just the start. So, come for the rest of the night, the presentation and the panel. But two, if you've got any questions about this, or perhaps feedback and tips of your own, I'd love to hear them. Leave them in the comments or bring them along, and let's chat further on the night. But, one of the great reasons to look at deal workflows is because, as marketers, we're very good at workflows, typically. We have had years of experience working with workflows in HubSpot. But as salespeople, we perhaps don't use workflows as much. Sales people use deals really well, whereas marketers don't perhaps know deals as well. So, this is a great way for sales and marketing to work together by using deal based workflows to really help the sales processes, and drive more efficiency. So, what we're gonna do, because deals have a lot of power and functionality, is we're going to look at it as a way to notify internal stakeholders. So, when the deal is won, we're gonna trigger on that. It's gonna send an email internally. It's gonna create a task. It's gonna update a slack channel, and it's going to send an SMS message. So, let's log into HubSpot and look at how that all works. This is our agency portal. We have 191 workflows. What you might find interesting though, is if I look at our deal workflows, we've only got three. All the others are contact and company ones. And, of the three, we're only using one that's active. Perhaps you're similar to us. And, in some ways this tip of the night, I'm preaching to myself because there's a lot of power here that we could be using more effectively. Perhaps you have a similar ratio, and this is some ideas for you as well. Let's dive into our actual workflow, and look at how it works. As you probably know, if you've used workflows before, you have triggers that kick off the workflow, and then you have actions that take place as part of the workflow. In our case, we're just triggering it on a deal being won, being marked as won, and that kicks off a number of actions. You can see, I've just clicked the plus button here. Here's all the available actions. We're not gonna go through them now. You can go through those. But, what I will look at is just a few specific ones that we use in ours. This is creating a task. You can see how you can use deal tokens in the task. There's create task in HubSpot. You can create internal email notifications. So, you can choose all the recipients that that's gonna go to. Here's the subject line. Again, deal tokens. And, there's the body of the email. You can include details of the deal. You can create slack notifications. So, this goes to our whole XEN team, letting everyone in the company know that a deal's been won. And, including details about the deal. And then, you could do some branching. I just put this in to show you that perhaps, you have different processes based on, for example, the amount of the deal. A big deal versus a little deal. You might have different processes. Then you can use the go action at the end, to pull them all together, and then finally, you might have an internal SMS notification. So, that just sends to my mobile. Again, in the text message, you can include deal tokens. That's pretty much it. An overview of the deal workflow. Hopefully, that makes sense and you're getting some ideas about how you can incorporate these into your own company. Let me highlight two things though. If you wanna get SMS messages, it's important that, in your own profile, you include a mobile number. If you don't have the mobile, you actually won't be an option to receive SMS messages. So, if you're going for that action, and you can't find anyone to send an SMS to, make sure that the mobile numbers are in the profile. And then finally, how do we connect slack? You'll see here, HubSpot has this new app Marketplace icon. You go in the app Marketplace. Looks like this. You'll search for slack, and find it. There we go. You'll click to connect it. I've already done that in our portal. So, if I go over to our settings, if I was to go up on the cog, and then settings, and come down here to connected apps. I'll look for slack. It would have been connected, and you can see some of the options that I've set. Default channels that things go out to. So, you need all that for the slack notifications, and setting things there. Apart from that, it's pretty easy. Pretty straightforward. I hope that's helpful. I really look forward to seeing you next Wednesday, at the HubSpot User Group. Leave me a comment or leave me feedback. Any questions you've got. Tips or tricks, and let's chat further at the HUG.

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