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3 min read

HubShots Episode 77: HubSpot Social Tools, AI Powered Marketing, Real Time Google Trends

Welcome to Episode 77 of HubShots!

Welcome to HubShots, the podcast for marketing managers who use HubSpot hosted by Ian Jacob from Search & Be Found and Craig Bailey from XEN Systems.

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Recorded: Monday 20 March 2017 | Published: Friday 31 March 2017

Shot 1: Inbound Thought of the Week

The Search Opportunity

#6: What percent of clicks on Google search results go to Maps/local listings?

This is not measuring searches and clicks that start directly from or from the Google Maps app on a mobile device. We're talking here only about searches that result in a click on Google Maps. That number is 0.9% of Google search clicks, just under 1 in 100. We know from MozCast that local packs show up in ~15% of queries (though that may be biased by MozCast's keyword corpus).

Action: Check your Google Business Listing is showing on Google Maps so when people search you are found.  Also look at getting reviews on those specific business pages.  More so if you have multiple business locations.

Shot 2: HubSpot Marketing Tip of the Week

HubSpot Social tools

Quick tips - get instant email notifications of Twitter brand mentions.

Go to Social > Monitoring

Add a new stream based on your brand name and handle

Set the ‘Notify me of matches via’ to send an immediate email:

xen hubspot social

While you are in the Social section, check out some of the Reports - they can be quite helpful in identifying good channels eg:

xen hubspot social report

There is an update to the social setting & compose tools coming soon.  We cannot wait to test them Markus (@Marcus_Andrews)

Shot 3: Redacted


Shot 4: HubSpot Sales Feature of the Week

Email Scheduling

Schedule emails to send at times your leads & customers  will actually read them.

Meeting Next Wednesday ian jacob searchandbefound com au Search Be Found Mail

Similar to Boomerang for Gmail.  Great for when you want to get through a lot of responses and not bombard people.

Update from Sequences.  Looks like if you have communication with the person that terminates the sequence regardless if they have not opened the email.

Shot 5: Sydney HUG Reminder of the Week

BTW Sydney HUG coming up on 30 March 2017:

Shot 6: Opinion of the Week

The switch to AI powered SEM campaign management has begun:

Notice that the creative still had to be supplied by the customer (something an agency might normally manage).

Humans are good at being creative. Machines are good at pattern matching, duplicating and calculating

Shot 7: Creative Top 10 of the Week

Ian’s challenge to Craig: IT support company - think of 10 ways to convert visitors on their website

  1. Think through the common customer journey and plan to convert visitors from stage to stage
  2. The quote calculator is a (fantastic) bottom of the funnel offer, but need some top of the funnel content offers
  3. Add a content offer eg ‘Quick Start Guide to Starting with an IT Support Company’
  4. Research common problems and write blog posts that answer the problems, with a low-sell next step offer eg ‘How to Setup Anti-Virus for your entire company’
  5. Add slide-ins to all blog posts, tailored based on blog post topic
  6. Retarget visitors with banners based on where they are in the journey eg for initial visitors a post that highlights a common problem, for visitors who have requested a quote, the banners could be about case studies
  7. Consider other content formats eg webinars discussing key scenarios eg How to plan your company’s backup strategy
  8. Test offering a case study as a gated download
  9. Test other channels eg Facebook Lead Form Ads
  10. Try other calculators ie not for cost, but for planning - awareness tools such as how many licenses do I need
  11. BONUS: Offer free SSL install for customers

Shot 8: Podcast of the Week

Inbound Buzz episode 57:

Also was listening to an earlier episode where he warns about the dangers of ‘marketers hunch’ :

Shot 9: Resource of the Week

Google Trends >

Up to the hour trend updates - similar to how Facebook has its trends listing.

Shot 10: Quote of the Week

“Some people are experts on post traumatic stress, I aim to be an expert on post traumatic growth.”

  • Tony Robbins

Shot 11: Random Thought of the Week

Three simple and difficult steps

Get smarter. Hurry.

Learn something new and difficult and valuable. Learn it today and continue learning it tomorrow.

Solve interesting problems.

Ignaz Semmelweis saw the same problem that others saw. But he took responsibility and solved it (worth a read).

Care. More.

This takes guts because it means you'll have to do something.

If you can invest in these three assets, what happens to your leverage? Your value? Your choices?

There are people who can cut corners better than you, work more hours than you and certainly work cheaper than you. But what would happen if you became the person who was smarter, better at solving problems and cared the most?

Shot 12: Bonus Links of the Week

Other stuff we’ve been reading and recommend, but had to cut from the show:

Tool to investigate:

Some of Craig’s reading:

Craig’ book recommendations

Disrupted by Dan Lyons - book review coming in the next few weeks

Please rate and leave us some feedback as this helps us.

HubShots Episode 77

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