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2 min read

Interesting Reading: Mobile & Social Engagement

These days marketing is all about using effective techniques and strategies to get your audience’s attention on whatever device they happen to use. Smartphones are becoming the number one choice not only for web browsing, but for online shopping, social media and other popular media platforms, as well as apps. So it makes sense that marketing managers are targeting mobile users and optimising their marketing strategies for mobile. The opportunities are virtually endless and the results have the ability to be very positive.

Smartphones present the marketing world with a great challenge: to be highly optimised for small devices and interactive for engaged mobile users. Over the past few weeks we’ve been sharing some informative articles and blog posts on our own social channels which highlight the importance of social media, mobile marketing and taking advantage of popular platforms to talk to your audience.

Most marketing managers know about Facebook for Business by now. While Facebook is certainly the most popular social media platform around, marketers should be keeping their eyes peeled for opportunities to market their products and services on competitor and newly popular sites designed for mobile. Instagram launched as a mobile app in 2010 and with more consumers choosing to browse the web on their mobiles rather than desktops, the app has become hugely popular. It only makes sense that you should spend some of your time, money and marketing efforts on Instagram advertising. If you’re not familiar with how Instagram works or how you can use it to your marketing advantage, read HubSpot’s 15 Hidden Instagram Hacks & Features. With 26% of adult Internet users on Instagram, it’s probably about time you get your business an account. If you’ve already got one, you can benefit from HubSpot’s tips.

Whether it’s Instagram or Facebook (or both), social media marketing should be a big part of your overall marketing strategy. Social Media Examiner recently put together this list of handy tools and efficient ideas to make your social media marketing life 100% easier. Use browser extensions, apps and cloud-based tools to optimise your management of social ads.

Another newly popular platform on mobile devices to consider is podcasts. In fact, XEN Systems has recently been involved in producing a podcast - HubShots. Podcast consumption has been increasing over the past decade and is shaping up to be an effective way for businesses to reach a broader audience of consumers. Search Engine Journal conducted a poll during a webinar about harnessing podcast networks. 27% of the webinar attendees already had a regular podcast and 50% were planning to start a podcast. If you’ve already got a podcast going, well done! SEJ talks a lot about how to leverage your guests and audience’s networks to maximise the potential of your podcast.

These ideas are all great jumping-off points for your mobile strategy. But how do you keep the customers you gain through your efforts? Engagement is possibly the most important step in a consumer's marketing journey. People are spending more and more time on their phones, so it’s in your best interest to take advantage of that and ensure customers spend as much time as possible interacting with your business. Social Media Today has some ideas that will keep your mobile marketing customers engaged. Focus on interaction with individuals to truly engage your mobile customers and consider optimisation for smaller screens featured in the increasingly-popular wearables market.

All of the articles and blog posts mentioned in this post were recently featured on our Facebook, Twitter or Google+ feeds, so make sure to check those out for more interesting and helpful marketing related posts.

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