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Interesting Reading: SEO, Year in Review

Once again we're rounding up the best, most recent marketing-related posts on the web. With SEO trends changing and new strategies being implemented within organisations in 2016, it's time to get our facts straight.

As all marketing managers should know, HubSpot is one of the leading voices in the industry. If you haven't already, we recommend downloading HubSpot's Year in Review to see what moved marketing in 2015. It's a great behind-the-scenes look at the major inbound marketing player and offers a tonne of stats to get you thinking about how your own strategies work. With features on HubSpot's biggest event of the year, INBOUND 2015, employee profiles and customer success stories, the Year in Review is a good consolidation of key HubSpot information and inspiration for your own efforts.

HubSpot also recently presented some fascinating patterns emerging in the world of SEO. The era of Google and web-based SEO is not coming to a close, but with 60 percent of internet use taking place on mobile, marketers understand mobile web usage is the future of their SEO strategies. Backed by short theses posted by expert Benedict Evans, HubSpot isn't wrong when they state that mobile search, social search and voice search (with the help of Siri, Cortana, etc.) will change the way we behave and in turn, change the way we strategise. Marketing managers really can't afford to let these new opportunities for search engine optimisation go to waste.

Don't get completely distracted with mobile web SEO just yet. Backlinko produced this infographic: the Anatomy of a Perfectly Optimised Page, and it's a great reminder of what your pages should look like if you want to get the most out of your SEO strategy. Brian Dean explores the 12 key on-page SEO factors that search engines and users love, from keywords to social sharing and outbound links, as well as some extra on-page factors. The checklist will take you through how to use the techniques in the post for a perfectly optimised page.

If you're making changes to improve SEO, don't forget to do audits before and after to track changes and performance. Search Engine Journal outlines how to perform on and off-page audits in 30 minutes. This post is full of tips to get painstaking audit procedures out of the way, making your job just a little easier.

We can't talk about SEO without mentioning social media posts. If you're producing content and are active on the popular social media platforms, you should absolutely be taking advantage of SEO. Google pays attention to your social presence, so extend the SEO principles used in your content to your social marketing accounts. Use keywords in descriptions when posting content links, use quality images, and don't forget to include external links on your own social sites to increase authority and build valuable networks. goes into more detail about how you can leverage your social accounts to improve SEO and why you should be using Google+ to boost search engine results.

All of the articles and blog posts mentioned in this post were recently featured on our Facebook, Twitter or Google+ feeds, so make sure to check those out for more interesting and helpful marketing related posts.

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